Our 55th Season (2024 – 2025)

We are pleased to announce our 55th Season, featuring 5 concerts and our Annual Open House.
All concerts are matinee concerts, beginning at 2 PM.

Click here to see and download our 2024-2025 program with all the details.


Tickets are available by calling (302) 995-2603, online at www.dtoskimball.org, and at the door.
$20 general admission

Discounted Season Tickets

Skip the line, Save time, Buy by phone or online…
Buy the entire season at a discounted price of $90 ($10 discount)

Saturday, September 14, 2024 ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE

A free event including a free mini concert. Come see the Dickinson Kimball up close and bring a friend (or three or four) to introduce them to the wonderful sounds of this mighty instrument.
Open Console 12:00 Noon – 1:30 PM
Q & A – 1:30 PM
Mini Concert, featuring Luke Staisiunas – 2:00 PM

If you’d like to contact us, please call 302-995-2603. 

To help us make all this possible, we sincerely appreciate your financial support by clicking the Donate button at the top of this page or by mail (please see details on Donate page) to P.O. Box 5094, Wilmington DE 19808. DTOS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  


To see one of our previous newsletters (we are currently not printing one) click here


The Dickinson Theatre Organ Society enjoys a well-known reputation for presenting premier performances on an internationally acclaimed instrument. 2019 was our 50th Anniversary Year of bringing the finest theatre organists from the world over to concertize for the general public. You are cordially welcomed and we thank you for your support! 

Over the decades of our existence, DTOS has enhanced our Mighty Kimball Pipe Organ from the typical 1920’s movie theatre instrument into a complete “unit orchestra” capable of presenting the full palette of musical expression from Popular to Classical. It is presently the fifth largest theatre pipe organ in the world. Click here to learn more.

Please click on the video below to see our special promo. Enjoy! 

Magic Is The Sound

Console News

Did you know that the Dickinson Kimball has two consoles? We have the three manual console that came with the nineteen rank organ built in 1928 for Philadelphia’s Boyd Theatre and a refurbished vintage Kimball console you see presently that has been updated with state-of-the art electronic controls to play the full 66 rank configuration of the present day organ. While the Boyd console was re-built many years ago with at the time “state-of the-art” controls, it has had a recent complete refurbishment so we can present two-console two-organist concerts again. Click here to read about this project from our  dedicated volunteer organ crew. If you’re wondering why two consoles, while it was rare, in the 1920’s there were organs installed in theatres with such, not only for the “wow” factor of seeing two people play at the same time, but also for the musically extravagant performances that can result. Radio City Music Hall in New York City has such still in operation today with the largest Wurlitzer built for a theatre.

Our next event:

September 14 , noon to 3 PM- Open House. Get up close with The Mighty Kimball, you can play, see the pipes, Q&A time, mini-concert at 2 PM with a special guest artist. A free event!  

Inquiries: please call 302-995-2603

Robert E. Dilworth

DTOS Founder Robert E. “Bob” Dilworth passed away on January 19, 2022. His life and legacy lives on through The Robert E. Dilworth Memorial Concert Series. To learn more about his life, be sure to visit his memorial page